Monday, November 02, 2009


I have actually signed up for NaNoWriMo. What moment of insanity made me do it, I don't know. As if I needed more pressure!

Kidding aside, it's been years since I first heard of it and I never got around to writing or joining. The stories are all moldering somewhere. Some have even gotten accidentally deleted on purpose. Quite a few never got written.

So here I am, taking part and trying to write a 50,000 word novel before the end of November. I now have 2 stories in my head but 3 projects have begun - 1 is not a novel as you can guess. Life is about to resume since the short vacation ends today. Crossing my fingers and hoping I cross the finish line with the book just for revision.

What Kind of Fairy Are you?

Stumbled upon a name generator and got this:

Your fairy is called Bracken Iceweb
She is a bone chilling bringer of justice for the vulnerable.
She lives where bracken and curling ferns grow.
She is only seen in the mist of an early morning.
She dresses in leafy bracken-green. She has icy blue butterfly wings.

Monday, April 06, 2009

Fandom LiveL Meet Via Astris

Jovan chats with Paolo Jalbuena about the local Star Trek Club, Via Astris. I love who popped in first though. Watch the video and tell me what you think .

Monday, March 16, 2009

Life Lessons While Crocheting

I saw this cute top in the mall last week. The difficult part - it has to be made first. It's a crochet pattern. The tough part, I've forgotten how to crochet. My grandmother tried to teach me how when I was a kid. I just never had the patience to learn. To be able to make it, I got the pattern, bought the needed materials and then looked for how to crochet instructions online. My daughter also volunteered to teach me and I'm now off to a good start on it. What I've learned and rememered: 1. It's not age that determines the teacher. It is knowledge and experience and a desire to teach - a passion and gift for passing on knowledge. 2. It's ok to go slowly. It's not a race. 3. Go ahead and count. These are markers of success - milestones of success and growth. 4. The beauty of this: you make a mistake, you get to start over. It's all ok. 5. Give yourself some slack. Too much tension makes it difficult to develop. 6. It's all about determination. It's easy to quit. Perseverance and practice - that's the key.

A Mizchvz Mind