Saturday, November 29, 2008


At our graduation yesterday, one of my new bosses talked about how balance is really a matter of choice. It is up to use to set how much time is used up by work and how much is then allocated to the rest of life.

At that point, I recalled why I love my Franklin Covey planner so much. One thing I learned from the What Matters Most course I took when I chose to get my planner was that we decide what we value and plan our time and life around these things. Balance is achieved by taking care of what we value.

Now, this is very individual. For example, I value being effective and productive at work but I also value my family time. That would mean that I must ensure to make time for my family, not just time to be home - dead to the world in sleep usually. I deliberately set time to hang out with my LP and kids to touch base on what's happening in their days (work or school) and find out what their into. We hang out, play games, eat and sometimes just sit beside each other while we all surf the net or read books.

Another thing I value is time for myself is a critical thing to keep myself functioning well. I find I NEED space where what I will do will benefit no one but me. This can be as simple as an hour to read a good book or an afternoon hanging out with old friends. It can be a day off where I sleep in or a trip to the spa.

There are many other things that are important to me and yes, it can be quite a juggling act to make sure that all these needs get met. I know though that in the end, it is important that I do so to make my life a quality one. We must LIVE and not just go through the days in a daze.

Balance...for me to be able to continue to work effectively, a must not an option.

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