Monday, March 16, 2009

Life Lessons While Crocheting

I saw this cute top in the mall last week. The difficult part - it has to be made first. It's a crochet pattern. The tough part, I've forgotten how to crochet. My grandmother tried to teach me how when I was a kid. I just never had the patience to learn. To be able to make it, I got the pattern, bought the needed materials and then looked for how to crochet instructions online. My daughter also volunteered to teach me and I'm now off to a good start on it. What I've learned and rememered: 1. It's not age that determines the teacher. It is knowledge and experience and a desire to teach - a passion and gift for passing on knowledge. 2. It's ok to go slowly. It's not a race. 3. Go ahead and count. These are markers of success - milestones of success and growth. 4. The beauty of this: you make a mistake, you get to start over. It's all ok. 5. Give yourself some slack. Too much tension makes it difficult to develop. 6. It's all about determination. It's easy to quit. Perseverance and practice - that's the key.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Suddenly on Vacation

Though we have vacation leave, I never really use them. Partly because I am not fond of travelling and partly because work piles up when I'm gone. Yes, I know I'm such a workaholic. However, we need to file vacation requests about a month before we take them, so I did.  When I didn't get a nod from my boss shortly after, I figured it was a no go. Surprise! I cam in to work yesterday and found I was on vacation that day.

So what to do...

Since I was already at the office I got some paperwork out of the way. Then went home to spend time with my LP. Then went around Araneta center with my LP, sister and a friend preparing for the Star Trek event in May (Must file leave for that as soon as I get back to work). Spent time with the kids before crashing for the night.

I'm so lazy. I don't want to go out. It's way too hot. Summer this year is going to be scorching hot and no, I am not thinking of going out of town. I am perfectly fine using a swimming pool to cool off - and thankfully there a few very near by. Maybe it's time to have a barbecue.

Something to plan...

A Mizchvz Mind