Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Suddenly on Vacation

Though we have vacation leave, I never really use them. Partly because I am not fond of travelling and partly because work piles up when I'm gone. Yes, I know I'm such a workaholic. However, we need to file vacation requests about a month before we take them, so I did.  When I didn't get a nod from my boss shortly after, I figured it was a no go. Surprise! I cam in to work yesterday and found I was on vacation that day.

So what to do...

Since I was already at the office I got some paperwork out of the way. Then went home to spend time with my LP. Then went around Araneta center with my LP, sister and a friend preparing for the Star Trek event in May (Must file leave for that as soon as I get back to work). Spent time with the kids before crashing for the night.

I'm so lazy. I don't want to go out. It's way too hot. Summer this year is going to be scorching hot and no, I am not thinking of going out of town. I am perfectly fine using a swimming pool to cool off - and thankfully there a few very near by. Maybe it's time to have a barbecue.

Something to plan...

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