Friday, July 06, 2007

Is He A Great Writer?

How do you know if an author is a good one? Does the book have to have found profound meaning? Do they have to annoy you? Some would say that yes, an author is a good one as long as they can engage your emotions. Personally though, that would not be enough.

A great author is one who can not only stir the emotions, they can touch your heart with their words. Yes, they can make you laugh and cry, but the scenes are remembered long after they have read the article or book - some carry it for years. The emotion does not carry a distaste for the author (should the reader disagree), but simply be for the image he has crafted with his words.

A great author can have their readers so engrossed in what they are reading that they find themselves laughing out loud, whether or not they are alone. They can truly make one forget where they are and capture the imagination.

Does there have to be a deep message, a profound lesson imparted? There is always a lesson but it would depend on the reader which one they perceive and pick up. Every human encounter written, even imaginary ones, are chock full of life lessons. We take away what we need. Each time we read that same book we'll get a different idea.

What triggered this post? You guessed it! Someone thought there was something wrong with me because I was laughing so hard from the book I was reading. So if you don't want to be mistaken for a nut case, don't forget to lock the door so you can laugh your head off and they can't spoil the mood.

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