Friday, August 24, 2007

Personality Test Yet Again

Click to view my Personality Profile page

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

A Thousand Marbles

I first heard this 5 or 6 years ago and it's a story that I love so much I want to share it. The original was written by Jeffrey Davis. Since I do not wish to infringe on anyone's copyright, let me encourage you to please click on this link for the simpler version or this one for the version with more ham radio be brought to where the story is already published with permission.

If you feel like going out and buying your own thousand marbles... kudos!

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Marking Time

It's amazing how fast time flies.

Though I feel young still, I know that I am no longer a fresh grad out of college. My appearance may have changed but inside though, I still feel the same, if a bit more comfortable with who I am and more in touch with what I want for myself, my family and for my life.

Unmistakable markers to the passage of time though are my kids. They are indeed growing up fast! One moment they were nothing but armfuls. Now, they are all walking, talking, running, gabbing and utterly delightful beings. Even my youngest strings sentences already. Gone is the baby talk. As he says, he's no longer a baby.

I often find myself thankful for a quiet day. I can now relate to the elders telling us to be quiet. It always feels like the house is full of noise - happy noise but loud sounds nonetheless. It can make one feel like one's head is ringing from the sounds that kids can make. I try to keep in mind though that I will definitely miss those sounds as they grow older. Best to enjoy it now.

What are the kids into now? Art is still something my girl loves. JL sings quite well. Both of them are into Taekwondo now. Our youngest is really into swimming and has no fear. He just jumps in!

Getting them to pose for this pic was fun! Aren't they all so cute? Better sharpen the knives and prepare the shotgun. I'm sure they'll be needed soon based on this pic.

Friday, August 10, 2007

Why Not Romance?

A couple of days ago, one of my office mates brought a romance book to the office. She instantly got teased by all the boys in the team. They would go so far as to read out loud (with feelings!) portions of the book and always get the perfect spot! They would get the steamy scenes in the book. As one of them said, it's the most read part of the book.

Girls always get teased about reading romances, but I ask, why not? Guys read their war stories and the like. To each his own. Besides, it can actually be educational. Any guy who wants to improve his relationship (and be a better lover) should take the time to read a few romance books. Don't believe me? Just try reading a few. No, you don't need to read in public (LOL). Of course you can always do what my sister does. She wraps her books in opaque paper so no one can see the covers and no one will know what she's reading unless they ask or pick up the book.

There are many great authors out there but I do enjoy reading the works of Julie Garwood and Johanna Lindsey. They are not wham, bam thank you ma'am people and their stories actually have some humor. I love "The Secret" of Julie Garwood. The opening scene had me laughing my head off. Johanna Lindsey's Malory's are absolutely lovable but I think I like "Tender Rebel" best.

The new authors may be more explicit in their descriptions - but on the whole, the stories are usually good even without the scenes. This is useful for guys who get told by their women that they have no idea what fore play(yes I know there is no space! Just making sure I don't get blocked from my ads by this one word!) is .

Romance....we can never have enough. Why not read some?

Sunday, August 05, 2007

Stick It

I recently got to watch this movie. Since I've always loved gymnastics, the movie sounded really interesting. Have to rate this movie a 3 though. It's just so so.

It's a typical theme found in American teen movie flicks. Rebel, buck against he system. Find a way to be unique. If you can't beat em, stick it! Don't quit and walk out but stick it. If you don't get my drift, watch the movie.

What they said about gymnastics is very true though. The dedication and hard work required of them in order to get where they are is true of any discipline. We push to excel. That is something everyone admires.

It's a Disney flick. Stars Jeff Bridges and Missy Peregrym. No need to introduce Jeff Bridges. He made his mark a long time ago with movies like Jagged Edge and Mirror Has Two Faces (he has more recent films, of course). If you can't recall Missy Peregrym, she's appeared in Heroes and Smallville.

A Mizchvz Mind