Sunday, August 12, 2007

Marking Time

It's amazing how fast time flies.

Though I feel young still, I know that I am no longer a fresh grad out of college. My appearance may have changed but inside though, I still feel the same, if a bit more comfortable with who I am and more in touch with what I want for myself, my family and for my life.

Unmistakable markers to the passage of time though are my kids. They are indeed growing up fast! One moment they were nothing but armfuls. Now, they are all walking, talking, running, gabbing and utterly delightful beings. Even my youngest strings sentences already. Gone is the baby talk. As he says, he's no longer a baby.

I often find myself thankful for a quiet day. I can now relate to the elders telling us to be quiet. It always feels like the house is full of noise - happy noise but loud sounds nonetheless. It can make one feel like one's head is ringing from the sounds that kids can make. I try to keep in mind though that I will definitely miss those sounds as they grow older. Best to enjoy it now.

What are the kids into now? Art is still something my girl loves. JL sings quite well. Both of them are into Taekwondo now. Our youngest is really into swimming and has no fear. He just jumps in!

Getting them to pose for this pic was fun! Aren't they all so cute? Better sharpen the knives and prepare the shotgun. I'm sure they'll be needed soon based on this pic.

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