Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Eureka Episodes

More episodes of Eureka! More to watch. You guys probably already saw these but I still want to share links for those like me who mainly watch online now.

Episode 5 is a mummy episode. Is there really a curse?

Who created comic book stories? Geeks. So naturally, there just had to be a superhero episode (Episode 6). After all, who doesn't dream of becoming a one?

Election fever has hit Eureka. It's Vincent against Zoe's boyfriend against the weatherman. Can you guess who becomes the new Mayor? That's Episode 7.

The latest episode is

Saturday, September 20, 2008

High At 5!

The account that I work for celebrated it's 5th anniversary today and I enjoyed the party. The venue was Club Filipino. There was a lot of good food - so much that I'm sure there were left overs. The place was big enough to accommodate more people than there were - sadly many couldn't make it. The atmosphere was very relaxed and everyone there seemed to be set on having a good time.

I guess it is partly because I now know more people in the company than I used to. Though I arrived alone, I was sure I would find someone to sit with and true enough, there were a lot of people willing to let me sit with them. I found myself shifting tables, sitting with various groups, saying hi to those I knew and getting to know a few of those I didn't.

The performances were nice. You can see that effort was put into the numbers for the event. The TL's put heart into their performances. For me, the best number was that performed by TL's Drei, Melai and Paul P with the JIL band. Now that's rocking the house!

I did my best to get videos of the event. The sad part is that multiply doesn't play 3gp . So first I have to convert the videos - if I can. Then upload it. Hopefully someone with a better cam than I had will upload their images and videos and I can just snitch and share .

Friday, September 19, 2008

Some Things I Found Funny Today

Here are some things that ticked my funny bone today.

I went to a stand that sells stuff on sticks. The girl took my order for squid balls and dropped the items in the boiling oil, stick and all. Then she takes them off the stick and serves it to me. So I had to string them all again so I could eat it. Hay!

We ate in a restaurant where everyone was wearing outrageous hats. One guy had fake butterflys attached all over. Another girl wore a head dress that reminds me of the Bellstar dancers. And jazz hands! hehehehe

While waiting for the mall to open, the guard was keeping careful watch on his assigned doors. Some people inside had to go out. He approached the doors they were standing at, told them they couldn't go out that way, then stuck the key in the lock - but didn't turn it. Then he walks away. Naturally, one of the people turned the key and walked out the door. The guard comes back, shakes his head and locks it again. If you didn't want the door opened, why put the key there? To be able to say that he didn't personally open the door?

That's all for now....

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

The Heat Is On!

The month may end in ber but it sure doesn't feel like it. It feels more like a summer month. There may be a breeze but it doesn't cool you. In fact, it feels like someone opened an oven. Either that or it's summer vacation, your actually on the beach but there are buildings superimposed on where the sand and surf should be.

Oh well...grin and bear it. The sun will go down soon. Things will get cooler then.

A Mizchvz Mind