Sunday, December 14, 2008

Before You Sit Down

Traveling in crowds and very slowly can be draining and after a long shift, one tends to just want to sit bonelessly, dead brained and praying that this particular vehicle will get you home without stopping at every spot where people are standing. You get in find a comfortable seat and drift til it’s time to get off.

Since I now have a longer commute to work, I find it helps to pay attention to the small details to keep spirits up. I noticed that aside from the usual “badge not honored here” and “God knows Hudas not pay” posters, there was a small white board with yellow writing. Being way in the back, I couldn’t read it.

As soon as some chairs became vacant, I transferred up front, behind the driver so I could read it clearly. Here’s what it said: Read the rest of this entry »

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