Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Crafting A Holiday

In most parts of the city, the moment that the month ends in ber, it is time to break out the christmas gear. There is nothing that Filipinos love more than to celebrate and this season is an absolute favorite.

In our family, the tree doesn't go up til a few weeks before Christmas. Usually we put up the decorations sometime in the 2nd week of December. It is a family event with everyone helping to setup the tree, decorate it and set up the other little touches throughout the living room.

This year, I have been both excited and worried about Christmas. I love the season of giving. It is fun to try and come up with the perfect give for the loved ones. I enjoy the christmas shopping with my siblings and the wrapping of presents. This year, we've begun teaching the kids about what the season means and the traditions we follow.

The worry has been more of how to manage to get gifts for everyone. The cost of things has been rising and there may not be enough for everyone. It is more difficult to find the time to go around and do my Christmas shopping. There is just so many people on my list. How do I make the budget stretch? I figure though that somehow, it will happen. It somehow always does.

Christmas has apparently also brought out a new interest in me. Growing up I absolutely disliked arts and crafts - no patience for it. Lately, I find myself wondering if I could actually make those quilts or knits or whatsits. I find myself thinking fondly of my maternal grandmother who exposed us to the joy of knitting, crocheting and other creative projects that actually allows me to believe that I can do these, if I just put my mind to it - and practice. I am thankful I won't be doing it all on my own though. My sister Tina has always been gifted in these things and so is my daughter.

I have to go back to poring over the christmas crafts book I have here. Still haven't quite figured out how to make one of the pieces I want for christmas .

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Enchanted Date

Enchanted was the chosen movie of the month and the kids were excited. I checked out the various cinemas around us and was surprised that Gateway only had 2 viewing times listed for it on their website, which would mean waiting til late afternoon to enjoy the film - not ideal for our schedule. So I checked out the other malls and we settled on Galleria.

In Galleria, there were 2 cinemas set to show the movie. One was reserved seating, the other not. We opted for the second - and a good choice it was. The cinema was practically empty!!! There were only 4 other families there to enjoy this Disney movie.

We were early so we got to sing along with the various christmas carols playing over the sound system. These were christmas songs performed first by various Disney characters followed by some performed by the muppets. We enjoyed trying to identify which princess was singing in the 12 days of Christmas.

Between one moment and the next, the trailers began, It was funny because you'd think a gun had gone off. The kids were cringing in their seats since the volume of the trailer was REALLY LOUD and it was National Treasure: The Book of Secrets which had a suspenseful kind of background music. I laughed even as I encouraged them to straight in their chairs.

Then the movie began and it was so well done! It was like watching one of the classic Disney animated films I love yet it wasn't. The Disney castle in the opening is CGI now and even more magical and as the camera pans to a window it focuses on a book with the same title as the movie.It opened with pop up figures telling of the wicked stepmother who was definitely not looking forward to the day when Prince Edward, her stepson, found his mate.

Giselle is not a princess. Like Cinderella, she talks and sings with the animals. Like Sleeping Beauty, it is her voice that draws the prince to her. They decide to wed the next day.

Now that definitely did not suit the wicked stepmother in this tale. She send Giselle into the water and into a place where she says there is no such thing as happy ever after - NEW YORK!

I have to say I love the outfits that they made for the lead actress, Amy Adams. The really big skirt and hoops had me laughing. The dress she made after her first night in New York was so cool - my daughter loved it.

Kudos to Rick Baker, the guy who made the hag in reality! Talk about hideous old bat!

We all agree that we love the scene in the park. Typical Disney - sing at an outburst of joy. It was a really fun production number, makes me wish a trip to Disneyland was in the budget at this point. You can watch the video here if you can't see it below.

Some things I found funny because they were inconsistencies or unusual:

  • Giselle knew the names of the various appliances such as the vacuum cleaner though you'd think she'd never seen one before.
  • She had a new pair of shoes on her second day but she didn't buy any. Wonder if they just magically appeared the next morning when she made her second dress? They weren't the same as her first set of shoes.
  • In most of the film, Giselle wears her princess style dresses while everyone else is in everyday wear. At the ball, everyone is dressed in period dress while she's in an evening gown of modern style.
While it is understood to have a happy ending - that goes without saying for fairy tales - this one had some nice twists before getting there. Since I hate to give spoilers beyond what I already may have, let me just say, I hope you watch the film - irregardless if it's in the cinema or if you wait for the DVD. Don't forget to watch the credits!!!! Watch the shapes - that's all I'll say . Now I have to go get the soundtrack for the kids. They want to learn the songs and sing along - just for that, Disney, I LOVE YOU!

Saturday, November 03, 2007

I Want A PADD!!!

I have become an ebook addict. It soothes my need for instant gratification - no need to go to the bookshop, line up, pay and navigate home before getting to read my book. You want it, quick search on the net and voila! if you are lucky you can immediately start reading.

The thing I dislike the most about the current setup though is that I read my ebooks either on my computer- meaning a long time sitting in a chair when you want to be reclining and resting, or on my PDA phone - which mean teeny tiny letters. Neither is very comfortable or good for one's health.

Makes me long for a PADD (Personal Access Display Device) just like in Star Trek. These handy portable devices are used everywhere. They are wireless computers that are bigger than PDA's with huge capabilities. Lapatops are close but still too big and clunky. I heard that Nokia and Sony have both been trying to come up with something but haven't hit it on the head yet. I hope it gets invented soon. While I am still partial to the feel of an actual book in my hands, a data padd that I can hold easily and use to read comfortably would be cool!

Friday, November 02, 2007

Whats In A Name

****Warning! This is a bit of ranting so feel free not to read*****

There are advantages and disadvantages to having a unique name or nickname.

  • people remember your name more easily
  • you are instantly unique - stand out from the crowd of Janes, Christines and Jennifers
  • Your name often gets mispronounced
  • Some a----- make fun of your name
Most of the time, everything is pretty cool. Everyone has a live and let live policy. Heck! If you were born with a name like Procopio and just want to be called Cop, why should anyone mind or care? It is none of their business anyway.

Hay! If you don't like your name, go ahead and change it. Leave those of us who do like our names alone. We don't go picking on you just because you chose to use a nickname that means a piece of land!

A Mizchvz Mind