Friday, November 02, 2007

Whats In A Name

****Warning! This is a bit of ranting so feel free not to read*****

There are advantages and disadvantages to having a unique name or nickname.

  • people remember your name more easily
  • you are instantly unique - stand out from the crowd of Janes, Christines and Jennifers
  • Your name often gets mispronounced
  • Some a----- make fun of your name
Most of the time, everything is pretty cool. Everyone has a live and let live policy. Heck! If you were born with a name like Procopio and just want to be called Cop, why should anyone mind or care? It is none of their business anyway.

Hay! If you don't like your name, go ahead and change it. Leave those of us who do like our names alone. We don't go picking on you just because you chose to use a nickname that means a piece of land!

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