Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Bathing or Basting

Among my christmas gifts was a packet of organic soap. They were not only great for your skin, the scent….hmmmm….delicious. The packet I was given contained 4 bars. One was labeled green tea, the others peppermint, chocolate and 1 had no label but was a multi-hued bar. When I asked the giver what it was she said that the seller just called it their christmas bar.

I started with the christmas bar (it being a match to the holiday) and discovered that it contained peppermint, cinnamon, nutmeg and a few ingredients I will just have to guess at. Just slightly abrasive to help exfoliate and the peppermint cooled the skin nicely.

As I stood in the shower, enjoying the scent, I had a sudden picture of a chicken Read the rest of this entry »

Sunday, January 06, 2008

Lack of Sleep

People tell me that working in a shifting schedule should be no big deal. You just adjust the time that you think of as "day". In reality though, that isn't true. Our body (at least mine anyway) seems to strongly respond to the fact that the sun is in the sky or if it is the moon sailing among the clouds. Even if I am busy doing a lot of things, with the sun down, my brain feels more sluggish, especially in the hours between midnight and 6 am.

The funny thing is that as soon as I look out the window and see the sun rising, I too feel awakened, though not necessarily refreshed (my bleary eyes tell me I haven't had enough sleep). I feel a little more optimistic and I feel that I can complete my day on a high. Thank God for the Sun! That sounds funny coming from me - the NOT morning person :)

I also find it tough to rest during the day time hours since our household is anything but quiet, especially with everyone in holiday mode still. The door to my room is periodically opened and closed as my LP goes about his day, the kids peek in to see if I'm awake or they want to ask permission for something. Then there's the phone - thank goodness they don't wake me up for phone calls unless it is urgent!

More often than not, I find myself waking every hour or two. That means I didn't really sleep. Even if I get 6, 8 or even 10 hours, I still feel crummy and am living for my next day off. It also means I have little or no energy to spare for most of the activities that my friends or family are into. It is an extra effort to be where they need me to be (let alone for parties and such) as I battle the call of my bed every additional moment I am awake past my "day". I sometimes wonder if I will ever adjust like so many others have.

While I try to keep up with my need for sleep, the rest of my life continues and the balancing act proceeds. The juggling act of health, my lp, motherhood, relationships with other family members and friends and work , and the battle to have a LIFE not just exist continues.

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

My New Year Entry

The old year has passed. A new one has taken its place. As the sky is lit up with multicolored flashes, I recall with gratitude the many things that have made 2007 memorable.

  • To my sweetie - Thank you for your choice. I am blessed in you and I say thank you for all that you do everyday to show me your commitment.
  • We may not be able to choose who our family is but I know I am blessed in mine. I am thankful that we are all still together and in good health. My dad's health has improved in 2007. Hopefully this year he will be completely restored to perfect health.
  • Friends are very precious. Through the ups and downs, the confusion and even the disagreements, they are treasure unequaled. To those who stuck by me and helped me through the rough patches, to the ones who always took time to care, thank you. I hope you have a wonderful, prosperous and very blessed 2008.
  • Children are very special. I am personally not fond of children but I know that I was blessed with truly wonderful kids. We had a great new year's eve together with everyone pitching in to help prepare the feast. I hope it is just the start of an even more wonderful year.
  • I started a new job in the first month of the year. I am doing well in it and I am helping others. It allows me to help my family flourish.I hope that this new year will see me move up in the company to the position (and salary) that I want.
  • I have to say, thank you to the bank that handled my account for finally getting back online and making it posssible for us to finally get our money. For whatever the reason for the delay, at least we were able to get it in time to have a great new year feast.
There are more reasons to be grateful and much to look forward to. I hope everyone had a great holiday and look forward to all of us having an even better 2008. A very happy new year to everyone.

A Mizchvz Mind