Sunday, July 27, 2008

FL! 080727 The Mummy Episode

You want to watch this ep! If you are a Brendan Fraser fan, watch this. If you are a The Mummy fan, watch this. If you want to get startled by Tobie, YOU MUST WATCH THIS!

Update: Kiddie Chef

I posted last week that my son was chosen to compete in the school Kiddie Chef competition. I am pleased to share the news that he won third place! Way to go, honey!

When I got to talk to his teacher I asked why he was chosen to compete. I knew that they weren't selected due to cooking ability since they don't do that in school. His teacher said he was selected because he spoke well. His job was to explain what they were making and why it was a healthy nutritious snack.

The best part, he discovered something new and healthy he'd like to eat. Oh and yes, the recognition was nice too.

The Prydain Series

I recently started re-reading some old favorites in my library. I say old favorites because the last time I read these stories I was in elementary. My joy in the story hasn't diminished though my appreciation of them is different.

Today I started on the works of Lloyd Alexander. Thanks to some wonderful book sales, I now 4 out of the 5 books in the Prydain series. The first book in the series is The Book of Three. It's followed by Black Couldron. Next is The Castle of Llyr then Taran the Wanderer. Last but ot least is the High King.

The stories focus on Taran, assistant pig keeper of Caer Daelben. He dreams of becoming a hero, of having great adventures yet doubts he will ever have them. Fate has a way of granting one's wish, hence the chinese saying, "Be careful what you wish for. You just might get it."

I found myself journeying along with Taran, assistant pig keeper, as he sets of to find Hen Wen, the oracle pig. He meets up with some interesting companions - Prince Gwydion, Gurgi and Eilonwyn. I found myself agreeing with Eilonwyn that assistant pig keepers (and men in general) can be very stupid. The first book is mainly about their discovery that Arawn is once again out to rule Prydain. His first step, to get rid of Hen Wen. Being one knowledgeable pig, she escapes, with Taran hot on her heels. He loses track of her and eventualy meets up with the others. Anything more I say may spoil the book for anyone else so I better stop here.

The rest of the books pick up the story of Taran as he grows older and realizes he has more dreams, more he wants to know. There is his need to know who his parents are - aren't we all curious? This is his quest in the 4th book.

Naturally, as with most stories, yes, there is a romance that develops in the series. Thankfully though it isn't one that springs up overnight. It realistically grows with the series.

The books remind me much of the works of CS Lewis (Narnia) or a child's version of Tolkein's Lord of the Rings. It carries much the same feel and a similar imagery. It is a good series, excellent for adolescents who themselevs are trying to figure out who they are and what they really want to do.

I'd say more but I hate giving spoilers that may mean that someone won't read the book anymore. Enjoy the stories of Prydain and Taran.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

FL! 080720 The Dark Knight

It's the bat signal! Batman is still in Gotham catching criminals but Fandom Live can take time to discuss the various incarnations of the Batman from the 1940's to the present.

Rambling On A Sunday

It's a wonderful lazy Sunday. No WORK, no rush, no particular thing that needs to be done except spend time with my family. WONDERFUL! I love days like these.

We have TV at home again. After a year of no TV at home, cable is back. The kids are ecstatic. I have to admit I like having cable. Of course, I still have to be home awake in order to enjoy it but we'll see, right?

Went to my folks house today. My son seems ready to make the sandwiches for the competition he's joining next week. I am so glad my sister likes cooking and stuff. I just like to bake. He seems excited. Whether he wins or not, as long as he's happy, that's good.

On our way home we passed a shop with a funny name - at least I found it funny. The place was called "Les Appealing Salon and Day Spa". Hmmmm.....I don't think I want to have anything done there. The name might be prophetic and you come out less appealing; you'd definitely have no one to blame but yourself, hey? hehehehe.

Almost time for Fandom Live. Time to start getting ready.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

FL! 080713 Movie Heroes

Heroes, heroes and more heroes. They are everywhere. But are they good or are they just another guy in tights with extra powers? Join the Fandom Live crew as they talk about various heroes and what motivates them.

We also have our WeView of Hancock

Legacy Syndrome

When I was growing up, you couldn't get me to do any of the craft stuff. Home economics? Art? The talent for these things went to my sister as far as I was concerned. I felt all thumbs when it came to sewing; and had no patience to improve my stitches. Typical of youth, not much for patience with the things you don't see of value to one's self (at least at that point in time)

In those days, my grandmother would show us all sorts of craft things (knitting, crochet, cross stitch) and we might become slightly interested but in a very short while, not fun anymore means...goodbye. If I had to do any project for school, I would start it, tell my family about it. I would procrastinate and at the end, it would be ate and or mom to the rescue to help me finish. Thank you, ate, for your generosity and love. I know you often lost sleep helping me out while I got a full night's rest.

Lately though I have found myself drawn to this craft shop. I entered on a whim. I was looking for something to interest my daughter since she seems to have inhereted the crafting gift. I ended up with some weaving plates that have been really useful. I actually find it fun. It still isn't my favorite thing in the world to do but I take pleasure in seeing something beautiful come out of my clumsy efforts.

It may never be a masterpiece by the world standard - it is more like craft by number than a piece created purely by talent and imagination - still I enjoy it. There is something soothing in the peace around me while my hands are moving, putting the threads in order. I don't know if I would ever get to the point where I would be weaving cloth (need the right equipment for that) but who knows? I even find myself thinking about other things I can make with my hands, whodathunk?

Could it have been brought on by motherhood? Is it part of growing older? Is it an instinct in us to begin to try to create, to leave a mark on our world? Nor sure but I do know that I am enjoying discovering that I am not as hopeless in these skills as I once was.

Sunday, July 06, 2008

FL! 080706 Robots

Fandom Live discusses movies with robots featured in it. Nick is back to discuss the difference between androids, robots and cyborgs and Asimov's Laws of robots.

A Mizchvz Mind